The Miss Rooster Days Pageant is a long-standing tradition in Broken Arrow. Miss Rooster Days is a sophomore or junior from Broken Arrow who serves as the Junior Ambassador for the Chamber Ambassadors. Miss Rooster Days attends and speaks at ribbon cuttings and groundbreaking while also volunteering for Chamber and Community events. The Miss Rooster Days Pageant is a Scholarship Pageant where the winning participant receives a $5,000 scholarship and several prizes. If you are interested in applying you can sign up HERE. This event is complimentary and open to the public. Come support our local youth and see who will be crowned the next Miss Rooster Days! Thank you to our sponsors! Doors open at 6:45 p.m.Miss Rooster Days
Thursday, February 29, 2024
210 N. Main St. Suite C
Broken Arrow,
United States
Pageant Contest starts at 7 p.m.